
Se afișează postări din martie, 2024


Don't judge?

(în limba română, mai jos) There are many taboos in all areas of human life, including spirituality, that are taken for granted. But many of them only sound nice on paper and in colloquial conversations, without being at all useful. We CERs, to the extent that there is an awakening in our audience, will try to expose some of them and explain why they are wrong. One of these taboos is : Don't judge! But what does that mean? Not judging does indeed mean not complicating yourself and not making enemies, but on the other hand you are also not doing yourself or anyone else any good by doing so. Things remain as they have been, that is, in the dead line, at the will of inertia and in the power of ignorance. But if you shake the sleeping man a little, who is hurting himself and others by his ignorance and sleep, you will do good, even if at first you will arouse a counter-offensive from him and for a time he will hate you. Somewhere in his subconscious your words will remain, and after a ...

Introduction to objective astrology. The twelve archetypal typologies of humanity

(în limba română, mai jos) Chapter I The archetypal typologies depend on man's birthday but are not directly influenced by the Sun. They are the idea of Cosmic Intelligence, which we call God, so that life can function acceptably in a world with 48 orders of laws, such as Earth. The Sun in relation to the Earth merely shows the clock when an archetype or sign is activated. Specifically on the 22nd of each month, according to the human calendar. Objective astrology recognizes the reality of these specific typologies of worlds with 48 orders of laws, but also takes into account the influences provided by the neighbouring typology. A man born on the 23rd of the month, for example, is greatly influenced by the preceding typology. Another born on the 21st of the month is influenced by the next typology. Together with the typological influences of the parents these determine the nuances of any being's initial behaviour and affinities. It is the natural picture of his character. On th...

Frequency of CERs

(în limba română, mai jos) The CER Order is a consciousness organization whose members can communicate on a special frequency of the Universe. One does not enter its ranks through an investiture or ritual ceremony, but only through one's ability to bestow love and knowledge on this frequency, paving the way for much deeper mental and bodily transformations. By giving love and knowledge, he always receives the same amount multiplied by the totality of sources active on this frequency. CERs know that Divinity is the highest expression of the sublime. The emotion they feel when they worship continually burns away their impurities and prepares them for access to the Energetic Realm. The warmth of love for Divinity is their highest art. It transforms their matter from coarse to subtle, and it transfigures the whole Universe from cold and ever-expanding to warm and glad to return to the source that created it. CER = Child of the Energetic Kingdom PS. My dear,  If you've read this far...

The path of the CERs

(în limba română, mai jos) 1.Give up any food of animal origin so as not to be a partaker of the greatest evil that can be done to a living being, namely the dispossession of life against its will, and secondly, to stop renewing the animal instincts inside you through the genetic information that these foods contain. 2.Concentrate on seeing the bright side of life and reverently respect all the religions of the world!  Look with confidence to their methods of meditation, autosuggestion and prayer, for they have been time-tested and proven effective! Use only those that are compatible with your archetypal typology! 3.Surrender yourself into the hands of the Divine, unique, natural and universal, to which you are connected by the gift of life, with all your soul, mind and body! This ardent love for the Divine Principle, in fact for the eternal and indestructible Being, unconditioned by anything but its own will, will raise your level of vibration to such a level that you will have ac...

Parents and children

(în limba română, mai jos) In most cases mothers are very protective of their children. They do their job as mothers as they see fit, they can't help it. But over-protectiveness can create a child unprepared for life. Knowledge is not, unfortunately for man, obtained in conditions of comfort and over-indulgence. On the contrary, needs and hardships polish a man's character on far higher principles. Fathers, being more practical, are always fighting with mothers to make them understand this. This is probably the most common subconscious reason for divorce among partners with children. Unfortunately, it is imperative that some privileges granted to children be made conditional on the fulfilment of age-specific tasks and duties. And where there is stubbornness, there must also be firmness. Mercy and goodness are not permanently the same thing. Neither are love and wisdom. What use is it to your child to have a life of comfort and indulgence for a limited period of time, which he n...


(în limba română, mai jos) A Self-Aware being never introduces brutal words or attitudes into a dialogue. It has respect for its dialogue partner and understands his or her aspirations even if they run counter to its own. An enlightened person knows that in the face of such brutality he must not respond with the same tone, because this contributes to delaying the awakening of that person, considered for a short time a friend. He will leave him alone and retire with decency, giving him a chance to see his own nothingness in this very life and perhaps, with a last effort, to move on to the conscious sacrifice of his stupid habits. Of course, other people can do this too, but for other reasons. Only a Self-Aware person can forgive and understand his neighbour for the right reason. He remembers that not long ago he too was like that. It is a matter of his feeling that he is one with the whole Universe, having within himself all its materials and predispositions. It is of the utmost imp...

Let the dead bury their dead

(în limba română, mai jos) It is very important to understand the reasons why Life has brought us to where we live. For example, I wouldn't say I'm very happy with the environment I work and live in, but it's probably the best, customised to my needs. It's probably the perfect environment in which to get the most useful life lessons. I have understood this with difficulty, but it's good that I finally got it. One of the reasons I ended up working where I do is to understand how formalistic and superficial the "cult of the dead" is. "Let the dead bury their dead, and you go and proclaim the Kingdom of God!" "Proclaim it in a way adapted to today's times and conditions, with the skills and powers you have for now, undeterred by cynics! The stone thrown by the masons can go to the head of the corner!". Here's what I understood additionally reading Jesus' wisdom-filled words. I need to remind you here that Jesus did not intend h...

Who are the CERs

(în limba română, mai jos) CERs are not a religion. They are the heart of any religion. They fulfil man's highest aspirations and serve the original purpose of all religions - universal understanding and harmony. The CERs recognise that without the experience of millenarian religions they could not have come into being. Their desire is to complement religious teachings and not to challenge any one. They see the Kingdom of God as the whole Universe, with its countless particularities and dimensions. Religions say "Unimaginable are the ways of God", science says "The Universe is even stranger than we can imagine". Science will get badly bogged down in artificiality and consumerism without religion, religion will become cheap fanaticism without science. The CERs know this and to the extent that there will be people who will listen to them they urge collaboration and conciliation. We see Paradise as a new realm of life which we have called the Energetic Realm, in wh...

Knowledge that can burn away all kinds of suffering

(în limba română, mai jos) Have you ever wondered why spirituality always talks about love? Or have you, as Christians, the majority of my readers, received the commandment of love from Jesus Christ?! The answer is this: because love unites, and through love the unity of the whole universe can be created. When you love someone, then truly what you want for yourself you also want for the object of your love. Love itself is not important without its purpose: the unity of the Universe. True, it creates the most pleasurable emotion we can feel, but strong emotions come and go, otherwise we would self combust if their intensity were too high. Which I don't think would be a bad thing at all, if the reason was love, and there are many mystical accounts, revealing such cases. Perhaps this self-ignition is the surest guarantee of union with Divinity, on principles of higher consciousness, and passage into the Energetic Realm. Even people in the animal kingdom are united with Divinity, but w...

How to make desire docile

(în limba română, mai jos) I'm going to give you a tip, or trick, that is very useful in many life situations. Whenever you try to carry out an action, which does not endanger your survival (because in this case the instinctive centre is activated and, stop thinking, run! 😄), so in all other areas of life, if you notice that you can't concentrate and don't feel inspired, give up on that activity for now. Whether you want to write something down, or the garden calls for an activity, or a person invites you somewhere or wants to draw you into a conversation, kindly withdraw and wait for the moment until your enthusiasm and inspiration returns. I assure you that you will not miss anything. I've noticed this by noticing myself when I have an interesting idea and some part of me urges me to write it down. But if the words don't flow in a natural and unaffected way I give up for now. And each time, after a period of time, which only my inner Being knows, the inspiration ...

Supporter of the CERs

(în limba română, mai jos) Thank you for being a supporter of the CERs and contributing to our achievements. We assure you that our intentions are full of love for people, the Earth and all life. We advise you to always stay in touch with reality and share any informative articles about us from this website or from the blog "The Incredible Path of the CERs", but only if you feel that the conditions for an aware and receptive audience to our views have emerged in your social environment. We insist that you do so only if you are convinced of its usefulness, without being annoying to people. Under conditions where our ideas can only take root in an austere lifestyle and with an exclusively vegan diet our sympathisers will naturally sift out, and only a few will ever be able to enjoy the knowledge of the CERs. We salute you and hope you will stay with us as a sincere and conscious sympathizer, preparing the conditions to become a CER yourself, in this life or the next. Bless you...

Un om se recunoaște ajutat de Divinitate...

(in English below) Un om se recunoaște ajutat de Divinitate atunci când în ciuda tuturor eforturilor lui societatea îl ignoră și îl disprețuiește. Calea eliberării de condiția umană cu bolile, bătrânețea și moartea pe care ea o presupune trebuie să fie grea, altfel omul se va opri mereu înainte de a ajunge la destinație. * A man recognizes himself as aided by the Divinity when, despite all his efforts, society ignores him and despises him. The path of liberation from the human condition with its diseases and old age must be hard, otherwise man will always stop before he reaches his destination.

To be or not to be with the CERs

(în limba română, mai jos) The intention of the CERs* is to help human beings evolve on all levels so that their feelings and emotions rise to higher and higher vibrations. For those of you who are already following us, some of the concepts in their programme are starting to become familiar to you and you may have started to form an opinion. Being new to the paradigm in which they live, their ideas can only be regarded with reluctance at first. The man who first comes into contact with the area of CER concerns has every right to be wary and to worry that he may be confronted with a new range of imaginative theories, usually belonging to disturbed people who imagine conspiracy theories, demons, reptilians and other such nonsense everywhere. But in anything new you have to start with the presumption of innocence, thoroughly examine the case and then give your verdict. Continuing the tradition already started we, the CERs, will continue in this article to plead our case to humanity, recal...

How to join the Order of CERs

(în limba română, mai jos) No one has to ask my permission to enter this order. The person in question only needs to know and feel that they meet the conditions expressed in the two explanatory articles in the blog "The Incredible Path of the CERs" as set out below. It is imperative to ask for the consent of one's own conscience and to distinguish carefully between intention and reality. Because otherwise following the path of the lie will sooner or later have to face the repercussions that this materializes. Here are the articles: The pathway to CER (21.02.2024) 1.Give up all animal food in order to stop being a party to the greatest harm that can be done to a living being, namely the deprivation of life against its will and, at the same time, to stop renewing the animal instincts in you through the genetic belonging codes that these foods transmit to the human mind! 2. Choose to see the bright side of life and respect all the world's religions! Confidently use all t...

Order of the CERs - biginnings

(în limba română, mai jos) I am the founder of the Order of CER and at the same time the conscience, which by God's good will, laid down its basic principles. Let us never forget that love of Divinity gives us the highest protection in the Universe! To Truth, Good and Justice I dedicate this Order! May God always guide us with His Divine Love and Wisdom! 01.05.2022 * Ordinul CER-ilor - începuturi Sunt fondatorul Ordinului CER-ilor si în același timp conștiința, care prin bunăvoința lui Dumnezeu, i-a trasat principiile de bază. Să nu uităm niciodată că iubirea de Divinitate ne conferă cea mai înaltă protecție din Univers! Adevărului, Binelui și Dreptății închin acest ordin! Fie ca Dumnezeu să ne călăuzească mereu cu Dragostea și Înțelepciunea Sa Divină! 01.05.2022

The first steps

(în limba română, mai jos) We know how hard it is for people to control their cravings and instincts. We also know that their task will not get easier with time, especially if their family and companions are omnivores and do not consider evolution a priority. In order to continue people need an extremely strong motivation, which will stimulate them enough not to turn back when attachment mistaken for love assaults them. This is why we CERs* do not agree with any externally imposed rules and strongly affirm that giving up animal foods gradually, starting with meat, is the best solution to change the diet, so that the brain, and then all the instincts of the physical animal that carries the soul and consciousness, lose their aggressiveness. We CERs firmly believe that people are not born as a blank sheet of paper, but are born with certain tendencies inherited from the old adventure of their soul and conscience. We have no proof of the details: where they have been, what they have do...